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Open the Door : Chandni Varma


Director at H72 Productions, occasionally poetic

Open the Door

Open the door,

I know you can hear me.

“I can’t, my mum’s home. Let’s talk tomorrow.”

I knew you were making excuses,

You wanted to open the door

But feared what your mother would say.

I sat outside the door and 

watched the falling snow.

I couldn't feel a thing.

A Raccoon crossed the street 

And paused to stare

Into the depths of my pupils

He checked if I was

still breathing.

Then I heard you

Say to your mum 

On the phone,

“I’m making Rosemary potatoes,

 with garlic for dinner.”

I opened my eyes

The sun was shining bright

The Raccoon was on the other side of the street

Still watching me

Two girls walked through the door

I knew you were making excuses,

I knew you wanted to open the door

But feared what your daughters would say.

It's cleared now, the snow

The Raccoon has left too

Your mother went to sleep

And your daughters have gone to their homes 

But the door is still closed.

Some day you will come out

You will have to see me then.
