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Two Poems by Deeptesh Sen

Nowhere girl

nowhere girl

mutating into moonlight

away, away from love

your breasts taste like vinegar

under the whirring motion of the fan

on a hot, tropical night

gazing into starlight and dust

your eyes wean off

the soft chorus of nightfall

moonlight floods the room

and crafts a mirror in your eyes

as the soft combustion of flesh

clouds out our vision

inside the well of light


we’re coiled like a starfish

naked in each other’s arms

we feel the night explode inside us

softly tracing like a virtuoso

the palimpsest of memories

along the scars on our skin

hips, breasts and laughter

all tangled up in silence

the luminosity in your eyes

builds up a moment’s desolation

crushing, gurgling, slurping, devouring

like matter spinning out of control

as we watch the distances disintegrate

between us

when our bodies are done with the lovemaking

like an automated response

you get up to close the curtains

the arguments of the evening

along with the insufferable stench of garbage

and loud barking of dogs

spiral back into my body

with the suddenness of an intruder

even the night is gaping

on your permafrost lips

in self-contained amazement

darkness engulfs us again

and I watch with a sigh

the light go out of your eyes


blue ossicles of pain

spinning combustion

translates gradually

into the intimacy of meteors

we do not talk of love

language fell off her skin

into the cold gaze of slowness


into fatigued circles

naked under light

the room spreads

like a mad man’s laughter

two faces in the mirror

fuck fuck fuck

only my neurosis

feeds the orbital beast

invisible light spins the crows into motion

gyrating thunder

of dead men stuck forever

on your glasses


multiplying fault lines

you cannot love me

this spontaneous abortion

of desire and forgetting

traces the faith

of the rose in the oven


withering in light

centuries pass away

untangled birdsongs

pleading through the crust

the slurp inside the skull

the quick turn of voices lilting

and fading out

a million tiny explosions

inside the cold gaze of slowness

and only my neurosis

feeding the orbital beast

fuck fuck fuck

and now I am sinking forever

into the heart of light…
