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The Divinity—Kunal Roy

Two Decades—Chandni Varma and Inam Hussain Begg Mullick

The 15th Death Anniversary!—Kunal Roy

Confronting the shadows of history, trauma, love and redemption: A Critical reading of Gas Chamber by Binayak Bandyopadhyay (Translated by Rajorshi Patranabis)—Sreetanwi Chakraborty

Two Cups of Tea and a Tête-à-tête—Kunal Roy

The Fall. The Injury. The Blood. The Abuse: The Solution—Kunal Roy

Long ago—Biswajit Chatterjee

Poems—Dan Raphael

Poems—Dominik Slusarczyk

Poetry—Robert Beveridge

জগৎপালিকা জগদ্ধাত্রী—কুণাল রায়

মোরা উৎসব মুখর আজ—কুণাল রায়