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The Goddess: The Infinite, The Incomparable, The Inexorable: A Reflection.—Kunal Roy

She is the pre- mordial force of the entire creative process. She is beyond all the boundaries of this fragile existence. She is beyond all the mortal thoughts. She is infinite. She is incomparable. She is inexorable. She is the harbinger of peace and destruction. She is Para Shakti. But she is not alone. Parvati, the embodiment of Adi Shakti gave birth to 64 Yoginis to aid her in the various battles fought against the demons and monsters.

 Durga and Kali are the prime dieties of the endless energy flowing through every particle of the cosmos. According to Kaula Tantra, the asta matrikas ( eight manifested powers) further divided into eight divine shaktis, resulting in the emergence of 64 Tantric Yoginis. They are unique, supreme, fulfil desires, drive away fear, misfortune and encourage in knowledge, wisdom, peace, prosperity, growth and expansion.

 In the opinion of the Tantric tradition "the eight mother faculties represent the universe, the eight directions ( four cardinal and four intermediate points), the eight miraculous yogic powers, eight limbs of yoga, eight forms of the Divine mother and the eight primary mystic symbols. The square of eight or sixty four occupies a pivotal position in Tantra, which from the standpoint of the practitioner, first and foremost recognises the 64 Tantric Yoginis".

  The Yoginis are known and worshipped by various religions viz Hinduism, Buddishm and Jainism. The 64 Yoginis can manifest in 'physical structure' to give "darshan" even in this modern era ( Kali Yuga).

  A profound talk on them can be found in different ancient scriptures like Agni Purana, Skandha Purana, Kalika Purana, Brihad Purana, Chandi Purana, historical romances, semi -historical literature like Somadevasuris's "Yasastilaka" of 959 AD, Kalhana's Rajtarangini of 1150 BC and many more to make us spiritually, culturally and ethically rich, sauve and sophisticated! 

  With the passage of time the Chausath Yogini Temple was set up in Hirapur. This is also known as Mahamaya Temple , 20 kilometeres outside Bhubaneshwar , Eastern India. The devotees assemble to pay their devotion to the Yoginis to obtain their blessings for the sake of smoothening the future path! 

  'SHE' is the Greatest Mistress of Yoga. She is Mahayogini. She produces, maintains and reabsorbs the world. She is Mahamaya. She is both in form and formlessness. The Queen of the whole universe. The mother of all, even the smallest living creature on this blue planet. She is exalted in Devimahatmya ( Glorification of the Goddess). Her grace is ever pouring. She is like a next door neighbour. She resides in every moment of our life. After all, there is no such force ( seen or unseen) in the whole world which can separate a child from its mother!!
