Poems by Smeetha Bhoumik
Smeetha Bhoumik is an Artist, Poet, Founder - Women Empowered-India (WE), Editor - Yugen Quest Review (just released).
Of Miracles
Miracles were roaring in the sunshine
Small and little, the
Ordinary kind !
No grand revelations-
A spider weaving its lonely web
Squirrels on their up and down treks.
Your hand in mine.
How time is circular.
I stood still.
Back, it was the middle of the day
When headlines strike a deep whine,
A pervasive sadness in the air...
I thought of the things one takes for granted
& wondered....
Each little dot in the grand scheme of things
Is a tiny piece
that completes the picture.
Even voids.
the give and take of kindness
the tug of war with hope
full stomachs and empty stretches
where millions remain
unseen, unfed,
waiting ...
For miracles roaring in the sunshine
Little crumbs of bread
& some kindness.
This is the hour
to become a crumb,
to become a line
of ants carrying hope
On tiny shoulders
Letting small miracles prevail.
Sine Waves
In seasons of the heart too
waves change colour.
Warm hues
of touch and feel
Golden blaze of satiety.
The remorseless cold
Of currents flowing
counter to each other.
Headlong into frazil
almost grounded;
Freezing. Glassy-eyed.
Cracks. Crack.
A sudden gust
of memory, a sparkle
Of known things.
Heat, animation! Can retrieval
Be like the flight of song birds
and melodic?
Ruptured zones
of frozen ice
Melt down, a slow burn
into the warmth of spring...
Once again!
In seasons of the heart too
Waves change colour,
Rolling sine waves
Just keep moving...
For You
My prayer for you
A golden orb of hope
Expanding in your heart
It will light up your path
And twinkle in a million stars
Connecting you to the
Its mysterious energies
Floating all around you.
You will move in inspired
Circles of abundance.
My prayer for you is :
You'll remain grounded in
The lake of reality and
Bloom like a lotus
Amidst everything that
Life throws at you.
You'll be able to transform it.
You'll see the forest and the trees.
This is my prayer for you
That you will use all the
Colours in the spectrum
Even black, to paint your life
In ways to merge with
Surroundings, bond with all,
Creating an abundance
Beyond riches and fame.
You'll see how beautifully
You'll come out of yourself
As you merge, and find your
Distinct place in the universe.
A river of renewal & well-being
Glows in me
Its sparkling allure
Crimson tributaries
Flush with
I stand often mesmerised ! Like now...
Pausing to reflect.
Their quiet revelations
Almost a glimpse
Into other dimensions
Felt, or intuited, rather than seen...
Threaded in fine webs
And strands of matter
Borrowing from each other...
Earth from stars
Stars from space
The way time coalesces
Into our veins
And is wound up in elements
Spewed from star-bursts aeons ago...
Where rivers
Enter our bloodlines
And mountains
Weave stories
Of overcoming
A river of renewal & well-being
Glows in me
Its sparkling allure.
Crimson tributaries
Flush with
I often stand mesmerised...
Circles of Time
Circles of time appear
Out of golden orbs
Of the sun
Radiant !
Then float away...
Soaked in
The tiniest of emotions
A fragment of thought
Impregnated into filaments
The glowing circles
Going round and round
As everything comes back
To where it once belonged !
The law of periodicity,
& that of cause and effect,
The law of attraction
Are universal . What you do is what you attract.
Great things
Small wonders
Their antithesis.
Strange, even the numerical precision
That marks its cyclical
Year 2020. 2. 0. 2. 0
Can be arranged in many ways, you'll see
A strange jugglery -
Though precise,
As only nature and her irrefutable laws can be. Fractals in petals, the turning of seasons, forces of attraction....
Circles of time appear
From golden orbs
Of the sun
Radiate in all directions...
A Paean
To your songs and to your stories
I write a paean
The glimmer of unknown tomorrows
Shining in them.
The reed becomes tree
The tree, a ship
Of radiant hope
Going shore to shore
Across seven oceans
That ebb and flow in your veins.
In you is the earth,
the mountain, the river and ocean,
In your creation,
Every element
Melts its essence.