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Black by Amrita Valan Narrated by Alan Johnson

Amrita Valan is a writer from India, a mother of 2 boys who loves to write poems on love and loss, and the range of human emotions. Her debut collection of poems Arrivederci is published on Amazon as of 6 May 2021. Her poems and stories have appeared in some online journals and anthologies. The poem Black is from her published work Arrivederci.


narrated by Alan Johnson

She wore black on her sepia skin. The sable gleamed The night skinned of deception. The lady, big black eyes, wide, openly dreamed. Her eyes jet castanets looking inside Her smile a cut paste job, a knife stab that Cried. In self wrought corners, a pocket universe, pondered. Pristine sunlit lawns Happy cavorting kids A strong man helped her with odd jobs. At night they lay on their backs Looked up at the stars And he chose the brightest one for her. Till she forgot How to weep Recited poetry In her sleep. The lady wore black crepe Thinly disguised skin Of dark magnificent Schemes Absorbing A magnitude of munificence from Mere mundane things. Realising her soul. Growing her own wings . Daring to show. What cannot be seen.

© Amrita Valan 2021


Stunning poem and visuals