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Inamorato Takes a Walk—Inam Hussain Begg Mullick

Inam Hussain Begg Mullick is an award-winning Kolkatan polymath. He is the Director-Founder-Editor, The Kolkata Arts. 

 Inamorato Takes a Walk

 A dark bird

gainsays the storm's


our zinced love 

is warm;

the fish magnify summer.

Your body to mine, 

the magpie flies.


The sky is rubbed by fire,

we observe 

the blood dancer's gyr

and saunter along dream roads of rock rose and ursine cloud song.

I pluck a dream 

from the midnight tree.


The wind's opera is a lunar saponification,

the crooner's horse has a moonlight saddle.


sing in white,

sashay across 

scarified skin, I remember jinns bowing to Allah on celestial hills.
