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Rumour, Reality, Biasness, Karma!—Kunal Roy

I am an academician. I prefer to mingle with the people descending from diverse cultural backgrounds. There is no such psychological barrier which can prevent me from exchanging my thoughts and views with other people. I sharply believe that talking with someone or sharing some good moments of going out for some hot tea in a nearby stall to recharge ourselves are not the essential ingredients to fall in love with that person. Calling him/ her in privacy to kiss the cheeks and encourage in a passionate liplock to serve as a prelude to the primary experience of sex and satisfaction - a farcical presumption ! Yet there are handful of matured individuals who literally love to encash such stuff to spread the rumour far and wide. Little do they realise that his or her own reputation is at stake. Undoubtedly the listeners would enjoy at the very outset, but as soon as that particular individual quits the place, they burst into a peal of laughter accompanied by some ill remarks against him / her who has made such a baseless allegation. Maturity comes from experience unlike modesty in love which can at times be a mistake! I strongly feel that they must change to uphold their dignity and focus on something substantial for growth and expansion. Such a 'karma' may yield dismal and shocking results in future.

   History has shown to us that every task is tracked, recorded before publishing the final report card. People who slip their work intentionally, bunk their duties, endorse in fake and futile discussions are given promotion, perks, huge emoulment and other conventional facilities. If this is not biasness then what it is! Those who work hard , follow the codes of discipline and decorum are deprived of everything. Naturally anger and envy are bound to crop up! But who listens to whom! It seems to be a traditional step to focus less on the truly deserving candidates. I fail to fathom what good comes out of it? What is the basis behind the choice? Is there any different story behind the curtain? Is it a trick to stir the hornest's nest? Truly good and relevant people suffer. But they ought not to lose their heart. The focus should not be diluted as the days might come in a completely different texture and rhythm. The sense of temporariness should not be given any importance, instead the focus should be on the long term goals. I know it is easy to say, but the rational choice can only make us happy and contented! And keeping a soul happy matters the most at the end of the day!!

Our Karma is a blend of our past and present actions. There is not a single creature in the world which can escape the clutches of karma. Our Karma is connected to the planetary alignment in the cosmos. 

Life comes once. We don't know what is going to happen in the next few minutes. Thus retaining a pious soul is necessary to suffer the minimum. Defaming someone, using abusive language for no reason or trying to dominate to show the superiority or any such obnoxious action can only lead us to punishment, believe it or not!!

                                                        - Kunal Roy 

( Assistant Professor, Department of English Language and Communication, George Group of Colleges, Kolkata)
