A Dictionary for Young Lovers Quarrelling by David Sylvester
Mr. Sylvester studied literature and creative writing at The University at Albany, the College of Saint Rose, the New York State Writers Institute and creative writing workshops too numerous to list. In 2020 he independently published a collection of short stories, I Would Tell You if I Could and other stories.
He offers free workshops in reading the short story through the Upper Hudson Library System in Troy, New York and the Chapin Memorial Library in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.
Originally from The Bronx, Mr. Sylvester lived in Upstate New York’s Capital Region for many years. He now lives in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.
solipsism [noun]
:theory that the self can know nothing but its own modifications and that the self is the only existent thing
solipsistic [adjective]
obverse [adjective]
:facing the observer or opponent
acerbic [adjective]
:acid in temper, mood or tone
contravene [verb transitive]
:to go or act contrary to
:to oppose in argument; contradict
synonym see deny
contravener [noun]
prevaricate [verb intransitive]
:to deviate from the truth; equivocate
synonym see lie
prevaricator [noun]
incredulous [adjective]
:unwilling to admit or accept what is offered as true; not credulous; skeptical
:expressing incredulity
histrionics [noun] [plural but singular or plural in construction]
:deliberate display of emotion for effect
obdurate [adjective]
:hardened in feelings
:resistant to persuasion or softening influences
synonym see inflexible
pejorative [noun]
:word or expression having negative connotations; esp. tending to disparage or belittle
caterwaul [verb intransitive]
:to make a harsh cry
:to quarrel noisily
odious [adjective]
:exciting or deserving hatred or repugnance
imprecate [verb]
[transitive] :to invoke evil on, curse
[intransitive] :to utter curses
dolor [noun]
:mental suffering or anguish; sorrow
lachrymose [adjective]
:given to tears or weeping; tearful
:tending to cause tears; mournful
picayune [adjective]
:of little value; paltry; also petty, small-minded
fatuity [noun]
:something foolish or stupid
:stupidity, foolishness
epiphany [noun]
:a sudden manifestation or perception of the essential nature or meaning of something
compunction [noun]
:anxiety arising from awareness of guilt
:regret or uneasiness of mind consequent on wrong-doing
expiate [verb transitive]
:to put an end to (obsolete)
:to extinguish the guilt incurred by
:to make amends for
osculate [verb transitive]
:kiss (archaic)
ardor [noun]
:an often restless or transitory warmth of feeling
:extreme vigor or energy : intensity
:sexual excitement
synonym see passion
turgid [adjective]
:being in a state of distension; swollen; tumid <turgid limbs>; especially exhibiting turgor
turgidity [noun]
humect [verb intransitive]
:to become humid or moist
seminal [adjective]
:of, relating to, or consisting of seed or semen
:containing or contributing the seed of later development