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A Functional Approach to Yun Dongju’s Poetry—Duane Vorhees

The Heart's Repair—Inam Hussain Begg Mullick

মধ্যরাতের কবিতা, একটি আষাঢ়ে সনেট, বন্দুক, ভুলের দরজা খুলে—বিশ্বজিৎ চট্টোপাধ্যায়

Cold Corpses—Pragya Suman

The Kolkata Arts

Poetry—Platforms Transformed, Rendezvous, Bookworms, April Blues—Sanjukta Dasgupta

Poetry—A Visage, The Eyes, Dreams—Clyde L. Borg

Fiction—Freedom for Cassie—Candace M. Meredith

Fiction—The Tenants, The Piece of Red Hair—Peter Crowley

Let Me Go Back Home—Abayomi Abiru